Devaraya was confronted with powerful enemies on all sides. Bahmani Sultan had been able to secure the alliance of Pedi Komati Vema, Reddi King of Kondavidu, besides the Velamas. The sultan made a two-prong attack.

Velamas and Reddis attacked the Raya in the eastern provinces while the Sultan invaded the Doab. Devaraya opposed the Sultan with his choicest forces. The accounts of the Muslim historians are at variance regarding the outcome of the war.

Firishta and Nizam-ud-din mention that the Sultan was completely victorious and the Raya had to sign an ignoble treaty and had to give his daughter in marriage to him. Tabataba only refers to the triumphant return of the Sutan after subjugating some of the taluks such as Bhanur and Musalkal in the north-west of Raichur district.

Saiyid Ali in Burhani-i-Maasiar and the traveller Nuniz also do not refer to the matrimonial alliance. The circumstances also do not warrant any such humiliating concession and, therefore, it may be dismissed as a fragment of Firishta’s imagination.


The allies met with some initial successes in the east and occupied some places Pottapi-nadu and Pulugulanadu in the Cuddapa district. Devaraya even dislodged them from these places after a seven-year struggle in A.D. 1413-14.