Kumaragiri had only one son who died prematurely in about A.D. 1390. He, therefore, nominated Kataya Vema, his brother-in-law, as his heir. It was resented by some nobles who were instigated by Vijayanagar rulers.

Pada Komati Vema, a grandson of Macha Reddi, elder brother of Prolaya Vema Reddi took advantage of the internal dissensions, defeated Kumaragiri and ascended the throne in A.D. 1402. Kumaragiri and Kataya Vema took refuge at Rajahmundri.

Peda Komati took advantage of the civil war in Vijayanagar, defeated their forces and recovered all the lost possessions.

But Devaraya retaliated as soon as he was able to firmly establish himself on the Vijayanagar throne and captured most of these territories. It, however, seems that Peda Komati was successful in reoccupying them.


Peda Komati was a great general. He was also a great scholar. He is said to be the author of many works such as Sravya Prabandhas, Drsya Prabandhas besides treatise on Sangita and Sahitya. In his court flourished the greatest Telugu poet of the age, Srinath.

Dr. Ramesan has rightly observed that he “gave full expression to the power and charm of Telugu lyrical expression and reached the highest pinnacles of poetry in vivid graphic verses bringing out the melody and musical sense of Telugu language and verse in their best light”. He was the poet-laureate at the court of Peda Komati who bestowed highest honours on him.