Town Planning:

The Cities were built on grid planning. The e ran in straight lines and crossed one another at right angles.

Most of the buildings were built of burnt bricks. The cities were divided into two parts the citadel and the lower town.

Drainage System:


The kitchen and the bathroom had drains leading out. These were connected to the main drain running alongside the main roads.


Wheat and barley were the staple food of the people.

Dresses and Ornaments:


Cotton fabrics were in common use. Wool was used as warm cloth. Ornaments were worn by both man and women. They were made of gold, silver, ivory, and both precious and semi-precious stones. Women wore necklaces, bangles, bracelets, earrings etc. Men adorned themselves with ornaments like armlets.


Humped bulls, oxen, buffaloes, goats, sheep, cats and dogs were domesticated. Evidence of horses are also found.



Axes, spears, daggers, bows and arrows were used,


The greatest artistic creations of the Harrappan culture were the seals. They were mostly flat and square tablets. These seals might have been used for trade.

Art and Craft:


The Indus Valley people were very well acquainted with the manufacture and use of bronze. Blacksmith, goldsmith, jewelers the ivory workers, stone cutters and potters were the important part of the society.

Trade and Commerce:

The Indus people were engaged in flourishing internal and external (foreign) trade. They carried trade with Mesopotamia through Lothal dockyard.

Indus Script:


The Indus people had developed the art of writing. The writing was in picture like signs called pictographs. This script has not yet been deciphered.


The Indus people worshipped Shiva or Pashupati. The (people also worshipped the Mother Goddess. They buried their dead along with food, ornaments and the articles used by them in their daily) life.



An important characteristic of the Indus civilization was its urban life, i.e. this civilization was urbanised.

Political Organisation:

The city was administered by a group of people who were merchants and priests.

Racial Groups:

The Indus people can be classified into four racial groups-

(i) Proto-Australoid, (ii) Mediterranian, –

(ii) Mongolian and (iv) Alpine.

Decline of the Indus Civilization:

The Indus civilization flourished for about a thousand years. The exact cause of the decline of this great civilization was not known. It is suggested that the cities might have been destroyed by natural disasters like earthquakes, the ( floods and successive invasions by the Aryans.