Constipation is a very common physiological disorder of the ali­mentary canal. It is characterised by infrequent, incomplete and difficult evacuation of hard, dry stools. Infrequent or insufficient emptying of the bowel may lead to malaise, headache, coated tongue, foul breath and lack of appetite. These symptoms disappear after satisfactory evacuation.


i. Irregular eating-time practices

ii. Lack of sufficient rest

iii. Faulty dietary habits like inadequate intake of water or fluids, use of highly refined foods.


iv. Change in one’s usual routine due to illness, in travel, nervous tension, worry.

v. Poor muscle tone of small intestine due to lack of exercise in invalids and the aged.

vi. Difficult or painful evacuation due to fissures.

vii. Intake of drugs and medicines.


viii. Irregular times of evacuation.

ix. Due to an abnormally large colon.