It is very necessary for the general growth of the body. If the diet lacks vitamin A. There shall not be normal and proper growth of the body or skeleton.


Vitamin ‘A’ has following functions in the body: –

1. Healing of wounds.


2. Vigour and stamina.

3. Building of resistance against infections, diseases. It protects the body against microbial infections.

4. Eyesight.

Deficiency of Vitamin A


If there is deficiency of Vitamin A in the body, a person may suffer from any one of the following diseases:

1. Night blindness

2. Skin Lesions

3. Retarded and stunted growth of bones


4. Intestinal diseases

5. Ailment of respiration resulting in Bronchitis, cough, cold etc.

6. Diminish vitality,

7. Ailments of Kidneys


8. Diseases of the Cornea of eye.