First and foremost, an administrator should operate in such a way as to earn the respect of the authorities who control the purse strings.

If budget requests are supported by sound rationale, if expenditures are shrewdly made, if accounts are meticulously kept, and if the operation is such that it makes substantial contributions, the chances are good that superiors will view favourably most proposals for funds.

Even then, however, a good administrator with an eager and ambitious staff will find that there is seldom enough money to do the things that should be done. It then becomes necessary to begin the search for auxiliary financial sources.

• The following are possibilities for supplemental financing, which have been tried more or less successfully by many schools and colleges:


Drafting and presenting proposals for government and private foundation grants, a process often called craftsmanship. Grantsmanship is extremely important to the successful operation of many schools, colleges, and other private and public agencies.

The art of grantsmanship is best learned by doing. Most schools, colleges, and agencies receive information periodically describing the types of requests that will be considered by various governmental agencies and private foundations.

A considerable number of grants are available in the various areas of health, physical education, recreation, and dance. To obtain a grant, the applicant needs (a) an innovative idea, (b) knowledge of how the granting system works (c) institutional support, and (d) persistence and patience.

• Seeking financial assistance for special projects from foundations.


• Scheduling athletic contests with institutions where the guarantee wills more than cover expenses.

• Designating home games as special events and promoting the sale of tickets on a cooperative basis with interested groups and organizations, e.g., Parents’ Day, Potato Bowl, Beef Bowl, and Shrine Benefit Game.

• Organizing fund-raising clubs among alumni and other supporters.

• Scheduling special athletic events.


• Organizing concessions as income producers.

• Selling ads in programs.

• Vending operations making them income producers.

• Soliciting funds for special projects.


• Seeking bequests and other perpetual gifts.

• Sponsoring walk-a-thons, marathons, dances, etc.

While there is some controversy about the extent to which educators should engage in fund-raising events, such an event may in some instances be warranted. If the program for which the money is spent is a worthy one, the expenditure is justifiable.

One must, however, guard against staff members becoming so engrossed in these ventures that they neglect their teaching and other administrative responsibilities.