25th December is observed by the Christians as “Christmas”, the birthday of Jesus Christ. They greet their friends and relatives with ‘Merry Christmas’.

25th December is observed by the Christians as “Christmas”, the birthday of Jesus Christ. They greet their friends and relatives with ‘Merry Christmas’. On the day, they dress well, eat good food, and offer gifts to their near and dear ones. They pass the day with a gay spirit.

The Christians decorate their house with the ‘Christmas Tree’ which is an artificial evergreen tree, illuminated by small electric bulbs and dazzling paper stars. The children sing the carol, a Christmas hymn, in chorus in memory of Christ’s birth.

They eagerly await the arrival of Father Christmas, the ‘Santa Claus’ who is supposed to bring with him many beautiful gifts for the children. Santa Claus is dressed in red and white with long whitebeard.


He carries a bagful of attractive gifts such as toys, toffees and sweetmeats. However, churches and public places are illuminated with glamour and grandeur of the festive mood.