How are ulcers treated?

1. Diet:

Usually bland diet including lots of fibrous vegetables, fresh fruits, juice, butter milk etc., are known to be of some help.

2. Drugs:


Aspirin and other inflammatory drugs should be avoided. Symptomaic relief may be obtained by use of antacid tablets and gels. Certain specific acid suppressing drugs which block the secretion of acid in the stomach can be safely used.

3. Surgical treatment:

When drug treatment is of no use surgical treat­ment seems to be the only method. There are three different kinds of surgi­cal methods; these are – partial gastrectomy, truncal vagotomy and gastrojejun ostomy.

4. Psychological treatment: Anxiety, depression and stress are the three main causes that should be basically treated. Patients should be advised to have a calm mind and take things as they come.