Tag Archives | Vedic Age

Social Condition of the Aryans during the Vedic Age

In every sense of the term, Vedic culture was regarded as the cradle of Indian civilization that boasts her so proudly before the world- Way back in ancient times, the whole of Aryavarta resounded with static rhythms of Vedic culture.

By |2011-05-25T17:49:33+00:00May 25, 2011|History|Comments Off on Social Condition of the Aryans during the Vedic Age

Social and Religious Conditions of Vedic Age

The Vedic age began with the coming of the Indo-Aryan speaking people and ended in about seventh century B.C. Initially, this phase marked a reversal in some respects. It marked the end of city life. It reverted to a pastoral economy and the tribal system of political organization.

By |2011-04-21T12:58:04+00:00April 21, 2011|History|Comments Off on Social and Religious Conditions of Vedic Age
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