Tag Archives | planets

Write a brief article on the nine planets of our solar system

The word planet means ‘wanderer’. There are nine planets that wander or move around the sun in set paths called ‘orbits’. Movement of planets around the sun is called revolution and its direction for all the planets is from west to east. At the same time, every planet also rotates on its own axis.

By |2011-01-18T11:18:43+00:00January 18, 2011|Geography|Comments Off on Write a brief article on the nine planets of our solar system

Write a very short note on the Origin of Planets

In the beginning when the sun was formed about 5000 million years ago, it was surrounded by a disk-shaped cloud of leftover gases. As the time passed, the outer part of the cloud lost its head, space and cooled.

By |2011-01-02T16:06:17+00:00January 2, 2011|Geography|Comments Off on Write a very short note on the Origin of Planets
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