Tag Archives | cash

What are the essential factors that determine the critical cash deposit ratio in a bank?

Cash deposit ratio plays a crucial role in banking operations. The banks try to fine-tune it. They do not want to hold more than necessary cash reserves because in that case they lose some of the profit, which they can otherwise earn.

By |2011-02-08T17:40:24+00:00February 8, 2011|Economics|Comments Off on What are the essential factors that determine the critical cash deposit ratio in a bank?

What is the limitations of Variable Cash Reserve Ratio?

The following are the limitations of the method of variable cash reserve ratio, such as this method is not effective when the commercial banks keep very large excessive cash reserves. In such a case ever if cash reserve 'ratio is raised, ample reserves remain after satisfying the minimum requirements.

By |2010-12-29T04:47:06+00:00December 29, 2010|Banking|Comments Off on What is the limitations of Variable Cash Reserve Ratio?
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