In India rainy months are four-June to September. During this period an immeasurable quantity of water is wasted away as runoff into the seas and oceans. If this rain water is made to use for man, he will never face water scarcity. Rain water can be utilised when it is needed for utilisation. Man keeping the rain water in reserve is termed as water harvesting. Water can be harvested in the following ways:

1. By digging ponds and tanks.

2. By building embankments and dams.

3. By making arrangements for storage of rain water at rooftops.


4. By constructing concrete underground reservoirs.

5. By constructing reservoirs in parks and public places and covering them with concrete stabs.

6. Buildings plans should invariably be approved only when there is a provision of water harvesting.

7. Rural areas where open spaces are abundantly available should be encouraged water harvesting facilities and provisions.


8. Water so collected will be beneficial in more than one way:

9. Collected water will be utilised in maintaining parks and greenery.

10. It will be used in irrigation.

11. It will recharge underground water resources through seepage and percolation.


12. Water level will come up, thus resulting less cost of availing ground water.

13. Humidity in soil will increase its fertility.