From this time we find evidence of the development of wall painting. Although we have a rich literary evidence of this form of artistic activity, archaeology does not provide us much material.

The specimens of the art revealed by the extant fragments in Jogimara cave in the Ramgarh hills near Sirguja, dated about the 2nd century BC, are one of the earliest examples. The extant Jogimara frescos typify only a very poor specimen of a rich and developed art. The earliest paintings extant in Ajanta, assigned to the same period as Jogimara, show the rich character of the paintings.

These early paintings are confined to Caves X and XI. The figures resemble the sculptures of Sanchi and Bharhut. These paintings represent indigenous types of noble quality, more vigorous and less refined than those of the Gupta period. The palette is restricted to a few colours – red and yellow ochre, terre-verte, lamp black and white of leme. The figures are rich in expression and grace and show considerable religious fervour.

Some of the scenes depicted are – arrival of a king with his ladies and a child, and his worship of the Bodhi tree; naga king with his attendants; a group of 16 votaries approaching a stupa etc. During this period there is no attempt to show light and shade effect as in the later Ajanta paintings.