The latest Price of Hitachi Kampa Air Conditioners (AC) in India is Rs. 29, 000 1ton, Rs. 32, 000 2tons and Rs. 35, 000 2Tons.

Kampa Split AC A cool wave from HitachThe IDU fan motor automatically stops when the room temperature is less than the set temperature and vice-versa. ’Kaimin’ adjusts the temperature automatically through the night to suit your body needs.

The timer is selectable for 2hrs, 3hrs or 7hrs and the unit will be switched off after the selected number of sleep hours. If the timer is selected, the temperature will be raised by 2°C and after 1hr, the fan speed will be switched to ‘low fan’ to ensure a comfortable and sound sleep.

The AC will continue to work in this condition till the selected time is over. This unique anti-bacterial filter prevents bacterial growth in the air-conditioner thus increasing the efficiency of the air-conditioner.


The filter clean indicator and Conventional air-conditioners have preset modes, whereas Hitachi air-conditioners allow you the flexibility of three programmable comfort modes to ensure that you get perfectly customized cooling indicates when to clean the filter through an LED on the indoor unit.

The device will automatically select the comfort temperature and will maintain the temperature at about 25˚ C with suitable fan speed. Its other features are Auto Humid Control, Auto Climate Technology, On/Off Timer With Advanced Start-Up, Koukin Filter, Digilock, Auto Restart and pre coated Aluminum fins.

You can buy this AC from online stores at a cost of Rs. 27, 360/- 1.0T, Rs. 30, 990/- 1.5T and Rs. 33, 480/- 2.0T