Most of the germs are so small that they are not visible to the eyes. The microscope can magnify the size of small things many times. The development of the microscope has an interesting story.

About 400 years ago in Holland, an optician happened to place two different eyeglasses, one behind the other while talking to a customer. He saw a fly through these glasses. It appeared as big as a lamb, This led to the making of a toy called the ‘flea glass’. Galileo, a famous Italian scientist heard about it. He also made a fleaglass, but called it a microscope’, and used it to examine small insects. It was an exciting development.

A scientist while watching a drop of water through a powerful microscope, found hundreds of germs in it, This helped the scientist to learn more about the cause of various diseases. Today, a microscope is used to examine blood, urine, stools, sputum, etc. Once the cause of disease is known, it is possible to discover and develop medicines to eliminate it.

Many more instruments were developed and invented by the scientists all over the world. They help the doctor in the proper treatment of sick persons. These are the X-ray machines, ultrasound machines and CT scanners, which can tell us about the condition of almost everything inside our body. Laser beams are now widely used in surgical operations.