Starting position

> Sit in padmasana placing the palms on the floor beside the buttocks, fingers pointing to the front.

Final position

> Slowly bend back, placing the right forearm and the elbow on the ground and then the left.


> Bring the crown of the head to the ground while arching the back.

> Hold the big toes and rest the elbows on the floor. Adjust the position of the head so that the maximum arch of the; back is attained.

> Allowing the head, buttocks and legs to support the weight of the body.

> Make sure that you are not overstraining the muscles and ligaments of the legs.


> Close the eyes and relax the body. Breathe deeply and slowly in the final position.


> Release in the reverse order, breathing in and taking the support of the elbows and the arms raise the head above the ground.

> Then shift the body weight on the left arm and elbow by sliding the body, then slowly coming to the starting position.


> Then releasing padmasana.

No of rounds: 2 rounds. In the 2nd round change the legs in padmasana and move to the final position by lowering the left forearm. Breathing: Deep, slow and soundless breath. Awareness: On the lower back, abdomen,chest or breath.

Sequence: Halasana or sarvangasana are the ideal counter poses as they stretch the neck in the opposite direction, releasing any muscular tension.



> It stretches the intestines and abdominal organs and is useful for all abdominal ailments.

> To remove constipation, drink 3 glasses of water and then perform this asana. It also relieves inflamed and bleeding piles.

> This practice is very good for asthma and bronchitis as it encourages deep respiration.

> It recirculates stagnant blood in the back, alleviating backache and cervical spondylitis.


> It regulates the function of the thyroid gland and stimulates the thymus gland, boosting the immune system.

> The pelvic region is given a good stretch and the pressure of the feet on the thighs greatly reduces blood circulation in the legs, diverting it to the pelvic organs.

> This helps prevent and remove disorders of the reproductive system. Practice note: It is important that the body is slowly lowered into and raised from the final position by using the arms.

The movement should be performed with control and care as it is very easy to injure the spine.


Variation: (for beginners)

Stretch both legs straight in front of the body.

Lean backward, using the arms for support, and rest the top of the head on the floor. |Arch the back and place both palms on the thighs or let them rest on the floor. Return to the starting position after some time in the final position.