Physical activity can be defined as body movement produced by skeletal muscles that result in energy expenditure.

There is no doubt and debate about the value of regular physical activity with respect to health benefits including reduction in chronic disease risk like hypertension, type 2 diabetes, high blood lipids, cardiovascular disease and obesity.

Even among children and adolescents, physical activity can prevent or delay the development of hypertension and can reduce blood pressure in those young people who already have hypertension. In addition, regular physical activity leads to lowered risk of colon cancer, increase in bone density, reduction of anxiety and tension, improvement in body image and mood, development of physical fitness, promotion of weight control through caloric expenditure.

Childhood obesity has become a cause of concern in the modern day living. More children today are overweight or obese than ever before. When a child overweight than what is recommended for a given height, then health problems start.


Regular physical activity can prevent this probability of getting overweight in the early years of life. Physical activity has physical, Psychological and social benefits. It improves children’s skeletal health, mental health and contributes to their growth and development. It results in increased self esteem and practical physical competence which are necessary to enable children to cope with mental stress.

It helps to improve their academic aptitude and self concept, and also classroom functions. Children and young people by engaging in enjoyable and positive physical activity may contribute to broader social and community goals including social skill development and improved sense of community belongingness, identity and cohesion.

The alarming situation in this new millennium lies in the fact that although evidence suggests that children are quite active, many adults including parents, teachers and school officials are also connected about the growing inactivity of children. A recent report has indicated that physical education programme for adolescents have decreased dramatically in recent years.

The global scenario presents that children and adolescents are increasingly getting attracted to growing range of sedentary alternatives to physical activities which include watching television and videos, playing computer games, surfing internets and engaging more in homework and additional tutoring.


The consequences of these sedentary activities are affecting the health of children negatively. The childhood obesity is producing obese adults who are facing an increased risk of diabetes, heart-disease, orthopedic problems, and many other chronic diseases along with undesirable delinquent behavior.

This is a challenge before us to counteract the situation in order to make our children active and a creative force of our society. While parents, schools have a special role to play, this challenge has got to be accepted and shared by the entire community for the future citizens of our country.