Glacial climate is evidenced in South India during the Precambrian times. During Late Carboniferous – Early Permian ice- sheets covered central part of India as evidenced by glaciation and glacial deposits in the form of Talchir Boulder Bed, shales and sandstones.

Pleistocene Glacial Epoch is marked by the ice – caps through out extra-peninsular region and numerous valley glaciers descended d from the Himalayas almost up to the plains. The pro-glacial and po glacial land forms are well developed throughout this region. There four glacial and three interglacial periods.

During the warm intergl periods lacustrine deposits were formed of which Karewa bed is example. Numerous glacial lakes were formed during this period. Pleistocene glacial period is evidenced by mass extinction of the g Siwalik mammals and other fauna leaving the fossils in glacial deposi

A number of hypotheses have been proposed to explain the cause the Ice Age out of which long continued variation of the solar radial seems to be most appropriate.