Following the precedent of Manchuria incident, in July 1937 the mili­tary extremists of Japan picked up a conflicts with China on a very flimsy ground. This action taken by the militarists was meekly supported by the civil government. The Japanese troops quickly captured Peking and

Tientsin and overran a large part of North China and Inner Mongolia. Fighting also broke out in Shanghai. The Chinese offered very stiff resis­tance and the fighting dragged on for some time. Ultimately it grew into a protracted war.

Despite serious reverses and losses the Chinese continued to give spirited fight to the Japanese. This war ultimately merged into the Second World War.

In the meanwhile, in 1936 Japan concluded an anti-Communist Treaty with Germany. A year later even Italy subscribed to this pact. During the Second World War, Japan taking full advantage of collapse of France in 1940 started gradual military and economic penetration into French Indo- China.


The success of Germany and Japan aroused American interest in the war and she decided to take more positive stand against Japan. First of all USA resorted to economic sanctions which badly hurt Japan. The Japanese assets abroad were also frozen.

In the face of these developments there were two options open to Japan. Firstly, to bring war with China to an end by generous concessions. Secondly, to break the economic blockade by war on the western democra­cies.

Though the first course would have promoted Japan’s interest better, the militarists desisted from following it due to the fear of losing face. In view of further developments during the year 1941 it became evident that war with West was inevitable.

Ultimately, in October 1941 Prince Konoe resigned from the Premiership making way for General Tojo to assume leadership. The military leadership after due consideration of all the pros and cons ultimately decided to join the war on the side of Germans in the hope that there were greater chances for Japan’s victory, which would enable Japan to create the most populous and perhaps the richest empire in the world.


The Japanese started the war by a brilliant surprise attack on Pearl Harbour on 7 December 1941 with a view to cripple the American navy. This made America decide to join the war on the side of the Allies with a view to crush the Japanese and the Germans.

The vast natural resources and tremendous productive power of America was placed at the disposal of the Allies and proved a decisive factor in their victory.

The disaster in the war discredited the military leadership and the government passed into the hands of the moderate bureaucrats. With this the era of ultra-nationalism came to an end.