The plants that grow in water are called aquatic plants and derive their name from the word ‘aqua’ which means water.

Plants that float in water:

Some plants, like water hyacinth, float in water. They have special types of leaves that help them to stay afloat. They use sunlight and air to make their food.

Plants that grow under water:


Some plants grow under water. These plants take carbon dioxide from the water around them and give out oxygen. Tape grass, pond weed and hydrilla are such plants. Their leaves have no pores or stomata and they breathe through their surface. These plants are flexible and can bend easily with the flow of water.

Plants that are fixed in water:

Some plants like water lily and lotus have their roots fixed in the waterbed. Their stems are hollow and light so that the flowers and leaves can float on water. They breathe through the pores or stomata on their broad leaves.

We know that all living things reproduce. Mammals give birth to their own kind. Some animals lay eggs and the mother animals hatch the eggs till the little ones come out of them. But how do plants reproduce? And do all plants reproduce in the same manner ? To understand reproduction in plants, we can divide them into two broad groups— flowering plants and non-flowering plants. Rose, mango, gulmohar, etc., are flowering plants and fern, fungi, moss, etc., are some non-flowering plants. Flowering plants reproduce from seeds. Non-flowering plants reproduce from spores. Some plants also reproduce from parts of a plant such as the leaf, stem, roots, etc.