One of the major problems that the adolescence facing today is the risk of HIV/AIDS.

It has already claimed millions of lives and has caused enormous social and economic loss throughout the world. In the context of the unfolding HIV/AIDS epidemic, access to such information and skills for dealing with risky situations becomes vital. The National Common Minimum Programme adopted by the Government of India in May, 2004 pledges that it will provide leadership to the National AIDS control effort.

The Government has identified and included this in the list of priority thrust areas and revamped the National Aids Control Organisation (NACO) institutional arrangement at the apex level with a view to making it an agency with a multi sector outlook and approach.

In the above context, Government of India has identified prevention among adolescents as an urgent and immediate priority for action and has drawn up a National Action Plan for HIV Prevention Education of which key element is to teach 100 per cent-of all secondary and senior- secondary schools.


Under adolescence education programme in the academic year 2005-06, DOE (MHRD) organised Regional workshops in collaboration with NACO. The state and Union Territory Education Departments and UNICEF, to further this agenda developed the State Action Plans (SAPs).

The SAPs aim to synergise all ongoing adolescence education efforts that may have different funding sources but the same vision of equipment and accurate information.

In light of global and Indian experience, skills based education and linkages to services have proved to be the best ways of prevention against HIV/AIDS, hence the Department of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and NACO have positioned the Adolescence Education Programme as a key intervention for preventing new HIV infection, reducing vulnerability to the infection and infection positive behaviour development.

An analysis of the AIDS Education Programme (AEP) coverage has indicated that challenges remain and have to be overcome in the accelerated sealing up.


A national high-level meeting, focused on collective commitment and consensus on the National Adolescent Education Plan Document (NAEPD) is in process of equipping over 10 million young people. It aims at:

Securing the commitment of states/UT Departments of Education and National Education bodies for the implementation of the Adolescence Education Programme.

Ensuring adequate technical and financial resources for implementation of all the State Action Plans (SAPs) and the Organisation Action Plans (OAPs) of National Educational Bodies that have been prepared pursuant to the National Action Plan (NAP).

As a measure to strengthen the capacity of SCERTs and DIETS to implement and monitor the programmes, the National Education Apex Organisations like NCERT. NCTE, CBSE, NVS, KVS and IGNOU are also putting their feet together in these efforts and incorporating measures into the education policy to prevent stigma and discrimination against learners and educators and ensure access to life skills education for HIV prevention.


Given the rising epidemic and the urgent need to implement a multi-sectoral solution, acceleration of partnership between Ministry of HRD and NACO has resulted into National Action Plan to cure this disease.

The Action plan outlines specific outcomes and time frames for scaling up the school AIDS Education Programme under co- curricular activities for the classes IX-XII to 100 per cent of the schools by the end of 2005.