The Bank is managed by a Board of Governors. Each member country ap­points one member on the Board which meets once in a year.

The Board delegates its power to Board of Executive Directors consisting of 24 members and it meets once in a month.

Nineteen members are elected by the Board of Governors and five members are nominated by the five largest subscribers.

Criteria for Assistance


While extending assistance, the Bank is guided by the following principles:

(i) The repayment prospects of the loan are first-assessed.

(ii) Economically and technically sound projects are preferred.

(iii) The Bank meets the foreign exchange content and other resources are to be raised do­mestically.


(iv) The Bank monitors the progress of projects financed by it.

(v) An effort is made to promote local private enterprises. World Bank provides loans upto 20 years at a rate of interest slightly below the commercial level.

Loans are generally given on the guarantee of the Government of the borrowing country. Poverty reduction is the Bank’s first priority.