1. The value which cannot be determined graphically is

(a) Median

(b) Mean

(c) Frequency table


(d) None of the above

2. The most frequent item of the series around which other items are densely populated is known as

(a) Geometric mean

(b) Arithmetic mean


(c) Harmonic mean

(d) Mode

3. The square of standard deviation is called

(a) Variance


(b) Co-efficient

(c) Mean

(d) None of the above

4. After passing your B.Ed, examination, you go back to the same school where you were working before. Which of the following changes should your students notice in your teaching?


(a) They find you better respected among your colleagues

(b) You appear more stylish and better behave than before

(c) There is a feeling of superiority in your movement and treatment of students

(d) They find your giving more opportunities to them to learn themselves


5. Given the series below:

X 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

F 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 5

The mode is


(a) 20

(b) 23

(c) 22

(d) 21

6. The sum of the derivations of the items from

Mean is always

(a) 1

(b) Zero

(c) 2

(d) 6

7. The average marks secured by 30 students are 60. If two more students join the class, the average comes down to 56.25. The total marks secured by these students were

(a) 20

(b) 40

(c) 60

(d) Zero

8. Educational organisation is different from educational administration because

(a) Organization is concerned with arrangements of equipment etc., whereas administration has to manage with things to be organised.

(b) Administration is concerned with persons whereas organisation is concerned with equipments.

(c) Administration is concerned with arrangements of things etc., while organisation deals with the management aspects

(d) Organisation is concerned with the management of things and equipment, while administration is concerned with the arrangement aspects of things and equipment.

10. The sum of the deviations of individual observation is zero from

(a) Arithmetic mean

(b) Mode

(c) Median

(d) Geometric mean

11. Which of the following could classified under the software of educational technology

(a) Radio Broadcasts

(b) Tape recorders

(c) R.T.V. Telecast

(d) Programmed instructional material

12. Skewness is present if

(a) Quartile is not equividistant from median

(b) Median is equal to 3rd Quartile

(c)If quartile is equidistant from median

(d) None of the above

13. The Law of Probability is applied in

(a)Random sampling

(b) Non-random sampling

(c) Geometry

(d) None of the above

19. The arithmetic mean of the direct 100 natural numbers is

(a) 55.2

(b) 60.1

(c) 25.7

(d) 50.5

20. The term wastage is used to devote that

(a) Children leave schools before they complete the prescribed age or class in education

(b) A lot of amount meant for school education is wasted by authorities

(c) Children have to waste a lot on materials other than prescribed books for study.

(d) Most rural parents think it a waste of time for their children to attend schools.

21. Studying the social status of a population a researcher concluded that Mr. X is socially backward. His conclusion is

(a) Wrong

(b) Biased

(c) Inaccurate

(d) Right

22. The population census will have the primary data from

(a) Registrar General and Census Commissioner

(b) Gram panchayats

(c) Municipalities

(d) None of the above

24. Data collected from published books are called

(a) Primary data

(b) Secondary data

(c) Tertiary data

(d) None of the above

25. The sum of the squared deviations of the items from Arithmetic mean is always

(a) Minimum

(b) One

(c) Zero

(d) Five

26. A teacher encounters various problems during his professional experiences. He should

(a) Resign from his post in such situations

(b) Do research on that problem and find a solution

(c) Take the help of head of the institution

(d) Avoid the problematic situations

27. A research problem is feasible only when

(a) It is new and adds something to knowledge

(b) It is researchable

(c) It has utility and relevance

(d) All of these

28. Which of the following are positional averages?

(a) Geometric mean

(b) Median

(c) Arithmetic mean

(d) Harmonic mean

29. A researcher wants to study the future of the Congress in India. For the study which tool is most appropriate for him?

(a) Questionnaire

(b) Interview

(c) Schedule

(d) Rating scale

30. Seeing a very big rally it was reported that JD will win the election, the conclusion was based on

(a) Random sampling

(b) Cluster sampling

(c) Purposive sampling

(d) Systematic sampling

32. In a normal distribution, the distance of one standard deviation above and below the Mean shown the limits of middle

(a) 68.26% of the distribution

(b) 86.20% of the distribution

(c) 64.26% of the distribution

(d) 68.26% of the distribution

33. “Statistics is the science of Estimates and Probabilities”, said by

(a) “Statistics is the science of Estimates and Probabilities”, said by

(b) Croxton

(c) Bowley

(d) Boddington

(e) Pythagores

34. While writing research report a researcher

(a) Must arrange it in logical, topical and chronological order

(b) Must not use the numerical figures in numbers in the beginning of sentences

(c) Must compare his results with those of the other studies

(d) All of the above

35. The sum of deviations of the items from Median, ignoring the signs is

(a) Maximum

(b) Least

(c) Zero

(d) None of the above

36. The difference between the frequencies polygon and the histogram is that

(a) In a histogram the measures internal are represented by a rectangle whereas in a frequency polygon all the measures are represented by the mid-point of the internal

(b) The histogram represents cumulative frequencies of measures whereas the frequency polygon represents the percentile ranks of measures

(c) The frequency polygon represents all the measures of an interval while the histogram shows the curve joining all midpoint of an interval

(d) The frequency polygon represents the percentile ranks while the histogram represents the measures in an interval in the form of rectangles.

38. Statistics does not deal with

(a) Aggregates

(b) Individuals

(c) Groups

(d) Mass quant off

39. Educationists attach great importance to ‘experience’ in education. What would be the correct interpretation of this suggestion?

(a) Providing actual life experience in schools as suited to outside life

(b) Appointing experienced teachers

(c) Teaching through activities ad experimental methods in the school

(d) Teaching the experiences of great teachers in education

40. Which of the following approaches would be in accordance with the realistic philosophy of education, in your opinion?

(a) To emphasize on factors within the individual

(b) Manipulating to see that what is within comes out

(c) Complete freedom should be given but fear must be imposed

(d) Suppressing the environment to safeguard the individual.

42. The coefficient of variation is always

(a) Ratio

(b) A percentage

(c) Average

(d) None of the above

43. By breaking the scale on X or Y axis in a graphical representation we will be creating

(a) Line graph

(b) False base line

(c) Bar diagram

(d) None of the above

44. If the data is plotted on a graph and a bell shape is obtained it is an indication of

(a) Skewness

(b) No skewness

(c) No correlation

(d) None of the above

45. When two or more variables are studied, it is called

(a) Positive correlation

(b) Linear correlation

(c) Partial correlation

(d) None of the above

46. In the matter of curriculum teachers should

(a) Be mainly concerned with the tasks of its implementation

(b) Be quite active participants in its development

(c) Understand its historical development to be able to teach

(d) Understand the main objectives of every subject

47. Stagnation in education means that

(a) Teachers have got no inclination to refresh their knowledge

(b) The curriculum studies have become old and out moded

(c) Methods followed for teaching have lost attraction for children

(d) Children do not progress from class year by year

48. For doing external criticism (for establishing the authenticity of data) a researcher must verify

(a) The paper and ink used in that period which is under study

(b) The signature and handwriting of the author

(c) Style of prose writing of that period

(d) all of the above

49. Where informants are literate and are spread over a vast area, the most suitable method of collecting data is

(a) Direct personal interview

(b) Mailed questionnaire method

(c) Interview by investigator

(d) Any of these

50. If two or more characters are shown in a table it is called

(a) Simple table

(b) Complex table

(c) Variable table

(d) None of the above


1. (a)

2. (d)

3. (a)

4. (d)

5. (C)

6. (b)


8. (a)

10. (b)


12. (a)

13. (a)

20. (c)


22. (a)

24. (b)

25. (b)

26. (b)

27. (d)

28. (b)

29. (a)

30. (b)

32. (d)

33. (c)

34. (d)

35. (b)

36. (a)

38. (b)

39. (a)

40. (b)

42. (b)

43. (b)

44. (b)


46. (b)

47. (d)

48. (d)

49. (c)

50. (b)