The whole body of paramecium is covered with very fine, small hair like structure called cilia which are the organelles of locomotion and food capturing.

Cilia are arranged in longitudinal rows and over the body. The paramecium is larger than the ameba. It can be found in ponds with scum on them. It has more of a shape than an ameba, looking like the bottom of a shoe. It is covered with tiny hairs that help it move.

These hairs are called cilia. The paramecium is able to move in all directions with its cilia. The paramecium eats tiny algae, plants, etc. The cilia propels the food into a tiny mouth opening of the paramecium.

The food is then shoved down a little tube called a gullet that leads to the protoplasm or stuffing of the cell. The food is held in little cells called vacuoles. It has two other vacuoles at either end of its body to get rid of excess water and wastes. As with the ameba, oxygen and carbon dioxide pass through the cell membrane of the paramecium.


(1) Somatic Cilia:

This type of cilia are found all over the body. They are equal in size but a few, large cilia are grouped at the caudal and due to which this found called caudatum.

(2) Oral Cilia:

They are found in the mouth region in the buccal cavity. These cilia are of special type and form four organelle which help in ingestion of food.