DPD can become zero (fully turgid cell). TP can also become zero (flaccid cell) but O.P. of a cell can never be zero.

Cryoscopic osmometer:

Measures osmotic potential of solution by measuring its freezing point.



Instrument for measuring soil water tension.


To mearene relative humidity as well as transpiration.



To measure pressure like root pressure.


To measure atmospheric pressure.

Porometer (F. Dawin, 1912):


To measure the size of stomata.


To measure the rate of transpiration.



To measure pull caused by evaporation of water from a porous pot.

Term guttation was coined by Bergerstein (1887).

COCl2 Paper Method (Hygrometric method, Stahl, 1894)-Used to compare the rates of transpiration.

Blue light of visible light promotes stomatal opening.


Plants growing at high altitudes exhibit xeromorphy i.e., adaptation to minimise transpiration.

Transpiration ratio:

The amount of water lost per unit of dry matter produced during the growing season of a plant.

Stomatal frequency:


Number of stomata per unit area of leaf its value is 1000 – 60,000/ cm2 or 10 – 600/mm2.

Permanent wilting coefficient (PWP or PWC):

Amount of soil water at which the plants growing in it show first signs of permanent wilting.


Chemicals which have been found to reduce the rate of transpiration without affecting CO2 uptake. They may be metabolic inhibitors (e.g., ABA-Abscissic acid, PMA – Phenyl mercuric acetate and Aspirin) or film forming anti-transpirants (e.g., silicon emulsions and some low viscosity waxes).

Selectively or differentially permeable membrane:

Membrane which is normally semipermeable but allows selective transport of certain solutes.

SPAC (Soil Plant Atmosphere Continuum):

Plants function as living connecting system between soil water and*atmospheric water.

Stephen Hales (1676 -1761)-Father of Plant Physiology, coined the term root pressure.

Yon Mohl:

Gave diagrammatic representation of size of stoma at different times of the day.

Transpiration flux: The quantity of water transpired by a unit area of leaf surface in a unit time.


Proposed term ‘osmotic pressure’. Nollet : Coined term “osmosis”.

TP = 0 in plasmolysed cell.


A plasmolysed cell regains normal condition if placed in a hypotonic solution.

Slatyer and Taylor:

Proposed concept of water potential.

Cohesive force of attraction between water molecules is upto 300 bars.

In Saxifraga-Rate of guttation is high during flowering.

Active hydathode lack cuticle over specialized cells.

Lactuca scariola and Sylphium laciniatum are called compass plants as their leaves lie vertically in north-south direction.

In Colocasia antiquorum, guttation is a normal process.

Transpiration is old stems and fruits take place through lenticels.

Osmotic pressure can be calculated by following relationship OP = cRT (where c = molar concentration of solution, R is gas constant and T is absolute temperature -273°C).

Root pressure is absent in Gymnosperms.

When the transpiration pull is exerted, a negative pressure or tension is generated in the xylem.

Isotonic solution:

Solution which has concentraton similar to that of cell sap.

Steward (1964):

Proposed starch sugar hypothesis.