Groundnut plant is a genus of Brazil which was brought to India during the 16th century. It is also called as peanut or monkeynut. It contains about 42 per cent of oil which is used as edible oil in pure orhydrogenated vanaspati form. The oil is also used in the manufacture of soap, margarine, medical emulsions, wool and silk, artificial leather. The oil­cake is also used as cattle feed. Since it is a legumi­nous plant it also helps in nitrogen fixing.

Conditions of Growth

Groundnutrequires 20°C-30°C of tempeature and 50 cm to 100 cm of rainfall. In the Peninsular region the 100 cm isohyet forms the eastward boundary of the groundnut growing area. Frost is harmful for the crop. It requires light and well drained sandy

been 56.6% increase in the per hectare yield of the crop between 1950-51 and 1998-99 (the annual increase being 1.18 per cent). Amongst the states Tamil Nadu records the highest per hectare yield (1765 kg), while Gujarat is characterised by the lowest yield (395 kg/ha).