What are the symptoms of hypertension; how is it treated?

High blood pressure: It is also called Hypertension and indicates an ab­normality in the flow of the blood through the arteries. Temporarily how­ever there may be an increase in blood pressure due to reasons such as exercise, emotional upset etc. But when the blood pressure is constantly high even when an individual is resting it is an indication of abnormality and has to be immediately attended to medically.

Hypertension if detected early can be completely kept under check if not cured. Apart from medication there has to be an alround change in the mental attitude of the patient. While medication may give a temporary relief ultimately it is the mental attitude that will keep the blood pressure under check. Medication includes specific antihypertension drugs like reserpine obtained from the roots of a plant Rawolfia serpentina. The extracts from this plant have been in use to control blood pressure in the Indian system of medicine since time immemorial.