Different animals have different methods of respiration. Below you can find information on the respiratory system of Amoeba, Insects, Fish, Tadpole and Birds.

1. Amoeba and paramecium are tiny, unicellular organisms found in water. They take in the oxygen dissolved in water and give out CO2 by the process of diffusion. In hydra, earthworm and leech, exchange of gases takes place through the body surface by diffusion.

2. Insects like cockroaches, grasshoppers and flies have certain holes called spiracles on the body surface. The spiracles are connected to a network of air tubes present inside the body of insects. Air enters the air tubes through the spiracles and reaches the entire body through the air tubes. CO2 produced as a result of respiration is also thrown out through the spiracles.

3. Fish possess gills for exchange of gases. Gills contain several rows of thin gill filaments which contain many bold capillaries. As water enters the mouth of the fish, it flows over the gills and exchange of gases between the blood and water takes place.


4. Tadpoles possess gills for respiration. In an adult frog, exchange of gasses takes place through skin, through buccal cavity and through lungs.

5. Birds and mammals have lungs for respiration.