Different bacteria are responsible for different disease. Some of these pathogenic bacteria are listed below.

1) Clostridium botuliam: Cause the disease botulism and it is caused due to taking improperly preserved food.

2) Vibro cholera: Cause the disease cholera and is due to the contamination of food and drink.

3) Corynebacterium diptheriae: Cause diphtheria by the direct contact with a patient or carrier or by contaminated food.


4) Neisseria gonorrhea: It causes gonorrhea and is spreaded through sexual contact.

5) Mycobacterium leprae: This bacterium is the cause of leprosy and is transmitted by direct contact.

6) Pasteurella pestis Yersinia pestis: Cause plague and this is transmitted through the biting of rat and mice.

7) Trepanema pallidum: Cause syphilis and transmitted through sexual contact.


8) Clostridium tetani: Cause tenanus. The infection occurs by contamination of wounds by bacterial spores.

9) Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Cause tuberculosis and is transmitted usually through contact with an infected person or an infected cow or through drinking of contaminated milk.

10) Salmonella typhi: This is the cause of typhoid. It is transmitted through contaminated food and drinks.

11) Hemophilus Periusis Bordetella pertussis: These bacteria cause whooping cough and transmitted through droplet infection and direct contact.