Tag Archives | process

Leadership Theories

Leadership is the process of influencing the behavior and activities of an individual or a group for achieving common goals. Thus, the existence of a leader is very essential to guide, inspire and direct the activities of a group. Now, the question arises that how leaders are developed. Leadership remains one of the most important aspects of an organizational setting. [...]

By |2020-05-06T14:36:53+00:00May 6, 2020|Leadership Theories|Comments Off on Leadership Theories

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation

Motivation may be defined as the process of stimulating people to action to accomplish desired goals. It involves arousing needs and desires in people to initiate and direct their behaviour in a purposive manner. According to Maslow, motivation is a psychological phenomenon which arises from the feeling of needs and wants of individuals. It causes goal directed behaviour. According to [...]

By |2020-05-06T14:36:53+00:00May 6, 2020|Maslow's Theory of Motivation|Comments Off on Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation

Process of Human Resource Planning: Step by Step Process

Everything you need to know about the process of human resource planning. Human resource planning is a two-phased process by which management can project the future human resource requirements and develop suitable action plans to accommodate the implications of projections. Thus, human resource planning is the process of developing and determining objectives, policies and programs that will procure develop and [...]

By |2019-07-15T06:07:16+00:00July 15, 2019|Human Resource Management|Comments Off on Process of Human Resource Planning: Step by Step Process

Human Resource Planning

Everything you need to know about human resource planning. Human resource planning is defined as a process, which includes forecasting, developing and controlling, by which an organization ensures that it has the right number of people and the right kind of people, at the right place at the right time doing work for which they are economically most useful. Its [...]

By |2019-06-25T18:22:19+00:00June 25, 2019|Human Resource Management|Comments Off on Human Resource Planning

Process of Job Analysis in HRM

Everything you need to know about the process of job analysis. Job analysis is a staff function. In order to carry out job analysis, we need a trained and highly efficient job analyst. The job analyst can be a member of the HR department, provided we have such an expert in the HR department. If need be, a practice expert [...]

By |2019-06-25T18:22:19+00:00June 25, 2019|Human Resource Management|Comments Off on Process of Job Analysis in HRM

Significance of the Communication Process in Education

Significance of the Communication Process in Education. In the modern society, educational technology has become a panacea for all educational ills. The electronic future of our country seems to be very positive and bright in the field of education.

By |2011-06-21T09:34:28+00:00June 21, 2011|Education|Comments Off on Significance of the Communication Process in Education

How to improve the communication process in any organization?

How to improve the communication process in any organization? Some sociologist, educationists, psychologists, anthropologists and rural sociologists have described the process through various models. Their usefulness lies in the manner in which they are used.

By |2011-06-21T05:28:33+00:00June 21, 2011|How To|Comments Off on How to improve the communication process in any organization?

The process of circular flow of income and product in a three sector closed economy explained

Explain the process of circular flow of income and product in a three sector closed economy. The circular flow of income and expenditure refers to the process whereby the national income and expenditure of an economy flow in a circular manner continuously through time.

By |2011-06-17T14:00:46+00:00June 17, 2011|Economics|Comments Off on The process of circular flow of income and product in a three sector closed economy explained

What are the Steps Involved in Planning Process?

What are the steps involved in Planning Process? Plans are the means to achieve certain ends or objec­tives. Therefore, establishment of organizational or overall objectives is the first step in planning. Setting objectives is the most crucial part of planning.

By |2011-06-16T13:51:15+00:00June 16, 2011|Business|Comments Off on What are the Steps Involved in Planning Process?
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