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Differences between material and non-material culture

Some sociologists like Ogburn and Nimkoff divides culture into two parts namely material and non-material. Material culture consists of concrete and tangible objects like tools, implements, furniture, automobiles, books, buildings, dams etc.

By |2011-05-05T19:07:14+00:00May 5, 2011|Difference|Comments Off on Differences between material and non-material culture

What are the physical properties of non-metals?

The important physical properties of non-metals are discussed below: Non-metals are generally brittle and hence cannot be beaten into sheets or drawn into wires. In other words, non-metals are non-malleable and non-ductile. Where stress is applied on non-metals, they shatter into pieces.

By |2011-01-02T16:06:17+00:00January 2, 2011|Physics|Comments Off on What are the physical properties of non-metals?
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