Tag Archives | newspaper

Can TV replace the newspaper?

Can TV replace the newspaper? The contrast between the news that can be broadcast in a fixed time slot, as against page after page of newsprint, is striking.

By |2011-05-11T13:44:56+00:00May 11, 2011|Essay|Comments Off on Can TV replace the newspaper?

What is the Role of Newspaper in enhancing Education?

Education has been recognized as the prime moving force in economic and social development. Adisehiah (1970 P.31) has rightly said, "No education means no development, little education means little development, more education means more development.

By |2011-05-05T19:32:58+00:00May 5, 2011|Education|Comments Off on What is the Role of Newspaper in enhancing Education?

Sample Essay on Newspaper

Newspaper is an important object of modern civilization. It is most commonly accepted as a record of the current events. But the meaning and role of a newspaper are more than being a mere document of events.

By |2011-04-29T11:48:09+00:00April 29, 2011|Sample Essay|Comments Off on Sample Essay on Newspaper

Sample letter to the editor of a newspaper regarding wrong news

There was a theft in your-house a week ago. Regarding the event some incorrect information has been published in a newspaper. This is a sample letter to the editor of that newspaper to publish the correct news about the case of theft.

By |2011-04-26T21:34:02+00:00April 26, 2011|Letters|Comments Off on Sample letter to the editor of a newspaper regarding wrong news

Sample letter to newspaper editor describing the condition of the refugees

The other day we visited the refugee camp where the refugees from Mozambique have been kept. It is a common knowledge that the plight of the refugees is no better than the uncared for animals throughout the world, but the condition of refugees from Mozambique was worse then that of the account we read in the columns of newspapers.

By |2011-04-06T16:53:11+00:00April 6, 2011|Letters|Comments Off on Sample letter to newspaper editor describing the condition of the refugees

Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about how tourism in your city can be promoted

Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about how tourism in your city can be promoted. I came an article regarding the steady decline in our city tourism revenue in you esteemed newspaper dated 2nd July. In this regard, I would like to point out the dismal state of all approach roads, erratic train and air service of our city.

By |2011-02-18T07:31:20+00:00February 18, 2011|Letters|Comments Off on Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about how tourism in your city can be promoted
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