Tag Archives | methods

6 important Commercial Methods Of Food Preservation

It is the preservation of food in sealed containers, usually after the application of heat, through steam under pressure. During the process of canning part of the micro-organisms are destroyed and the rest are rendered inactive.

By |2011-05-31T09:51:43+00:00May 31, 2011|Articles|Comments Off on 6 important Commercial Methods Of Food Preservation

What are the important scientific methods of food preparation?

Food preparation is much more than a science; it is an art: for it is linked with the total cultural pattern of people. Food preparation requires a sense of discrimination in the blending of flavours as well as of textures, colours and shapes.  

By |2011-05-30T11:48:31+00:00May 30, 2011|Articles|Comments Off on What are the important scientific methods of food preparation?

2 essential methods used for staining of protozoa

Two methods are available for the staining of protozoa: 1) Iron-haematoxylin stain 2) Wheatley's tnchome stain. The iron haematoxylin staining is the older method and is more diffi­cult.

By |2011-05-25T19:50:10+00:00May 25, 2011|Articles|Comments Off on 2 essential methods used for staining of protozoa

Short notes on the natural methods of family planning

They include i. Basal body temperature (BPT) ii. Cervical mucus method iii. Symptothermic method. These methods involve recognition of some physiological signs and symptoms associated with ovulation.

By |2011-05-24T06:20:26+00:00May 24, 2011|Notes|Comments Off on Short notes on the natural methods of family planning
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