Tag Archives | mean

What do you mean by Pericycle?

What do you mean by Pericycle? It is the layer present between the endodermis and the vascular bundles. It is considered as the outer boundary of the vascular cylinder (called stele).

By |2011-06-18T09:22:02+00:00June 18, 2011|Meaning|Comments Off on What do you mean by Pericycle?

What do you really mean by Cellular reproduction?

What do you really mean by Cellular reproduction? Cells do not arise de novo but are formed from preexisting cells by reproduc­tion”, is one of the important attributes of the modern cell theory.

By |2011-06-18T08:38:47+00:00June 18, 2011|Botany|Comments Off on What do you really mean by Cellular reproduction?

What do you mean by the modern concept of rent?

What do you mean by the modern concept of rent? Modern economists are of the opinion that land is inelastic in supply. It has no cost of production thus whole of the return produced, on land goes to rent. As the supply of land is inelastic it yields rent.

By |2011-06-17T16:06:56+00:00June 17, 2011|Meaning|Comments Off on What do you mean by the modern concept of rent?

What do you really mean by the term national accounting?

What do you really mean by the term national accounting? It is a technique of presenting information’s, about the nature of the economy of a society with a view not merely to get an idea of its prosperity, past or present, but also to get guidelines, for collective policy to influence the economy.

By |2011-06-17T13:31:32+00:00June 17, 2011|Meaning|Comments Off on What do you really mean by the term national accounting?

What do you mean by Joint Family?

Joint Family is recognised as a social institution from time immemorial. It is a large social group in which the father, mother, their mature and immature children, their brother and parents live together.

By |2011-05-09T13:38:47+00:00May 9, 2011|Sociology|Comments Off on What do you mean by Joint Family?

What do you mean by Association ?

Men have diverse needs, desires and interests. All these needs cannot be fulfilled by man himself. So people from different groups and association to cater various needs. When a Coma group of people organize itself expressly for the pursuit of some common interests or interests, an association is born.

By |2011-04-30T17:45:36+00:00April 30, 2011|Sociology|Comments Off on What do you mean by Association ?

Notes on the Relationship between mean, median and mode

In case of a normal or a symmetrical distribution mean=median=mode. When the frequencies are not properly distributed it is called as an asymmetrical or skewed distribution. If it is moderately asymmetrical distribution the following empirical relationship holds good.

By |2011-04-12T18:33:43+00:00April 12, 2011|Notes|Comments Off on Notes on the Relationship between mean, median and mode
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