Tag Archives | copper

What are the physical properties of Copper?

Some of the most imporant physical properties of Copper are:  1. Copper has a characteristic reddish brown colour. It is highly malleable and ductile at ordinary temperature. It becomes brittle near melting point.

By |2011-01-02T16:06:17+00:00January 2, 2011|Physics|Comments Off on What are the physical properties of Copper?

How to prepare crystals of copper sulphate ?

Below you can find useful resources on an experiment to prepare crystals of copper sulphate. Take a clean beaker (250 ml) and put the powdered impure sample of copper sulphate in it. Add distilled water and stir the contents gently with the help of a glass rod.

By |2010-12-30T06:12:50+00:00December 30, 2010|Chemistry|Comments Off on How to prepare crystals of copper sulphate ?
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