From groups and tell each other jokes. Each group should choose the one they like best and narrate it to the class. Now that you have heard a number of jokes, can you make a list of reasons why you find some stories/actions funnier than others ?

Please listen while I tell you now

About the most fantastic cow

Miss Milky Daisy was her name,


And when, aged seven months she came

To live with us,

She did her best

To look the same as all the rest.


But Daisy, as we all could see

Had some kind of deformity,

A funny sort of bumpy lump

on either side, above the rump.


Now, not so very long ago,

These bumpy lumps began to grow,

And thee or may be four months later,

(I stood there, an enthralled spectator)


These bumpy lumps burst wide apart

And out there came (I crossed my heart)

of all the wonderous marvellousthings,

A pair of gold and silver wings!


A cow with wings! A flying cow!

I’d never seen one up to now.

“Oh Daisy dear, can this be true?”

She flapped her wings and up she flew!


Most gracefully she climbed up high,

She fairly whizzed across the sky.

You should have seen her dive and swoop!

She even did a loop de loop!

Of course, almost immediately

Her picture was on live TV

And millions came each day to stare

at Milky Daisy in the air.

They shouted “Geepers screepers! Wow!”

“It really is a flying cow”

They laughed and clapped and cheered and waved,

And all of them were well behaved.

By Ronald Dahl