Society is an aggregate of the people within a community, bound together by some common ties. Maclver has defined it as a “web of social relationships”.

These relationships are bound together by relations of interdependence. Human beings live together in a society because of the following reasons:

(a) Man is a social animal and cannot live in isolation. He needs the company of his fellow human beings to share his joys and sorrows.

(b) Human emotions like love, affection, hatred, jealousy, etc. can only be expressed within a society.


(c) For the fulfillment of their basic needs like food, clothing and shelter, human beings are interdependent on each other.

(d) For the intellectual and mental development of human species and the growth of civilization, it is essential to live in a society.

(e) For security, preservation and protection of the human race, man has lived together and moved in groups since primitive times.

(f) Members live together in a society for the transmission of culture and traditions.