Accommodation is a social adaptation. It takes place in various adaptations. It takes place in various ways. According to Young and Mark there are five methods of accommodation. They are:-

(1) Pressure (2) Compromise (3) Mediation (4) Consensus and (5) Tolerance. Gillin and Gillin have mentioned seven methods of accommodation. They are:

(1) Yielding to coercion (2) Compromise, (3) Arbitration and conciliation (4) Toleration (5) Conversion (6) Sublimation and (7) Rationalisation. Considering the views of the above sociologists we discussed some of the method of accommodation as follows:-

1. Coercion or pressure:


Coercion means the use of force. Coercion or pressure presupposes the existence of parties of unequal strength and powerful and the other weak. In this method of accommodation the weaker of the two conflicting parties submits to the stronger one out of fear. For example, the vanquished accepts the decision or will of the victor. In the wars, the victorious country imposes its will on the vanquished.

2. Compromise:

When the conflicting parties are of equal strength or power want to replace quarrel through accommodation that method of accommodation is known as ‘compromise’. This process is based on the principle of give and take. The parties involved scarifies voluntarily for each other because they realize that the continuation conflict would cause loss of their energy and resources. That is why, compromise is a conscious effort. Management-labour agreement on wages, hours of work, promotion etc., involves accommodation of this kind. This method is similar to consensus.

3. Tolerance:


The method of accommodation in which there is no settlement of difference but there is only the avoidance of overt conflict is known as ‘tolerance’. In this method, each group bears with each other. It is based on the principle of ‘Live and let live’. It is a form of accommodation without any formal agreement. Here no concession is made by any of the parties and there is no change in basic policy. It is the best method of accommodation. The existence of Hindus, Muslims and Christians in India is the bright instance of tolerance.

4. Conversion:

This process takes place when one of the contending parties tries to convert his appoints to his viewpoint by proving that he is right and they are wrong. Generally, the term conversion is used in the religious context to refer to conversion into some other religion. But, is may also occur in political, economic and other fields.

5. Sublimation:


This method involves the substitution of non-aggressive attitudes and activities for aggressive ones. To conquer violence and hatred by love and compassion is the example of sublimation.

6. Rationalisation:

The justification for action or conduct based on imaginary premises is called reationalisation. It is that method of accommodation in which the contending parties tries to justify their action or conduct on purely imaginary grounds. Thus, rationalisation involves plausible excuses or explanations for one’s behavior instead of acknowledging one’s own fault. For example, a student who fails in the examination for his own negligence blames the teacher or the examination system or the valuation system.

7. Accommodation through third party:


When the contending parties are of equal strength and are not able to resolve their conflict or differences, they may have compromise with the help of a third party. With the attempts of the third party accommodation is achieved by means of arbitration, mediation and conciliation.

a) Arbitration:

When the decision of the third party is binding on both the parties the method of accommodation is known as arbitration.

b) Mediation:


It is the technique of bringing conflicting individuals together and creating in them the willingness to consider the possible settlement of their differences. In other words, in this method of accommodation, the mediator has no power to settle the conflict as his decisions are not binding on the parties. He simply acts as an advisory agent. The acceptance of the advice or suggestions is up to the contending parties.

c) Conciliation:

It is closely related to compromise. In this method of accommodation an attempt is made by the third party to persuade the conflicting parties to develop friendship. Thus, in case of the conciliation the conciliator offers only suggestions in order to terminate a conflict.

Generally the labour- management disputes, political disputes, family disputes etc. are resolved through the intervention of a third party.