At a Glance

1. Women in India have not been able to contribute as much as they could have to the development of our country. They have been treated as inferiors and do not receive the same care and opportunities as men.

2. Many social reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, etc tried to improve the condition of women in our country. Our Constitution guarantees equal rights to all.

3. It is essential that the children grow up to be responsible citizens. The Rights of the child have been recognized by the UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child. Agencies like UNICEF and UNESCO are working for the children all over the world.


4. Social evils like addiction to drugs and alcohol have also affected our society. Social awareness is important to control this problem.

5. Communalism has affected our society adversely. Our Constitution guarantees Freedom of religion to all individuals but due to some misguided people and corrupt politicians, communal riots take place. We should respect other religions and live in peace and harmony.