1. Conflict is a Conscious Activity:

Individuals and groups who are involved in conflict try to defeat each of the consciously. It is a deliberate attempt to oppose. Everyone harms the other party knowingly.

2. Conflict is a Personal Activity:

Conflict is a personal activity. The main objective is to defeat the opponent party. The conflicting parties personally know each other.


3. Conflict is intermittent:

Conflict is not a continues process. It takes place occasionally. It occurs all on a sudden and comes to an end after sometime.

4. Conflict is Universal:

Conflict is universal in nature. It is found in all times and all the places. In some societies conflict may be very acute while in some other it may be mild.


5. Conflict is Emotional:

The basis of conflict is emotion. Moved by excessive emotion, people get involved in conflict and in this process, they use fair as well as unfair means to achieve their goal.