The simple unit of culture is the cultural trait. These cultural traits develop concurrently and collect together like a bunch of flowers and gain in their importance in terms of the degree of significance they have for the behaviour of human being. This bunch of collected traits is called a culture complex.

These culture complexes are formed according to the various needs of life. In this way culture complex concerning food habits, the different occupations, etc., can be seen in different cultures. Examples of culture complexes found in Indian culture are in the form of the caste system, joint family system, the principle of karma, etc.

Metallic utensils are indicative of the culture complex concerning food habits in Indian culture. Among these culture complexes some develop more than the others and become more influential and affective. But in any one culture, these culture complexes exhibit a high degree of concurrence among themselves. Cultural patterns, which are representative of the unique nature of any culture, are formed by them.