There is broad relationship between wind and crops. Wind affects crop production, though indirectly, through the transport of moisture and heat in the air. Evapotranspiration increases due to the movement of air, but the effect decreases with increasing wind speed and varies among different plant species.

Moderate winds promote the consumption of carbon dioxide by photosynthesis. Wind sometimes prevents frost by breaking the inversion through mixing of the air. It also helps in the dispersal of pollen and seeds so necessary for natural vegetation.

In this way wind may prove helpful for specific crops. But wind may be harmful when it spreads weed seeds or when it causes cross-fertilization of plants. If strong winds blow continuously for some time, then they interfere with the pollination activities of various kinds of insects.

Strong winds do more harm than good to the crops. The direct effects of strong winds include breaking of plant structures or shattering of seed heads. Strong winds cause soil erosion, particularly in arid climates.


However, the mechanical damage done by strong wind can be minimised to a certain extent by making use of natural or artificial shelter. In order to protect crops and animals from the strong wind, windbreaks composed of shrubs, trees, hedges, or fences are usually used on a large scale.