Pupils are the raw material for school organization. Pupils are legitimate actors in a school organization. All the educational and other activities are organized for them in a school. It is they win occupy the focus or the limelight of school activities for which curricula are planned and designed, school plant is setup, qualified teachers and principal recruited and auxiliary services are organized. Pupils are the measure of all these endeavours.

The entire of activities in a school are planned, organized and evaluated in relation to pupils. The student has it organize programmes such as student’s literary club, annual day, teacher’s day, national day’s celebration.

Student acts as a leader in the classroom. The quality of interaction in the classroom enhances the quality of learning. Students have to take part active in the classroom process. The mutual cooperation is the most during teaching-learning process.

Many times, school providers opportunities to students It organize co-curricular activities in a school. These activities may be in terms of monitoring the class school, organizing school prayer, cultural programmes celebrating the national days of importance, conduct competitions among students in the school and among schools, maintain the dignity of the school etc.


Head students are chosen as head girls and head boy in the school. These command the entire track of tie students. School student committee is also organizing to maintain leadership among the pupils.