The origin of DOS dates back to 1980’s when IBM introduced IBM – PC. It was very popularly called PC – DOS. IBM entered into an agreement with Microsoft Corporation for the use of its Operating System called Disk Operating System. Under this agreement, anyone who bought an IBM PC would get dos free. Later, the agreement was annulled and is known as MS – DOS. In dos, information is organised in the form of directories and subdirectories.

Features of DOS

1. It is simple and easy to use.

2. Single user.


3. It can handle one task at a time – Single Tasking.

4. It is not user friendly.

DOS Commands

DOS commands are classified into 2 types.


1. Internal commands

2. External commands

Internal commands are built-in commands. There are about 25 commands. Some internal commands are: –

1. dir displays the directories.


2. md creates a directory.

3. cd changes directory.

4. rd removes directory.