Diseases caused by Bacteria:


Bacterium is the smallest known living organism. These are single-celled organism. Bacteria is necessary for the process of decay of organic matter. Bacteria which cause diseases are called Parasitic or Pathogenic bacteria. Following are the diseases caused by Bacteria:

Diphtheria, Gonorrhoea, Meningitis, Cholera, Leprosy, Typhoid, Tetanus, Tuberculosis, Plague, Whooping Cough and Pneumonia.


Diseases caused by virus:


Viruses do not exhibit all characteristics of living organisms. Viruses are inactive when isolated and multiply only on invading a cell of a bacterium. Following are the diseases caused by viruses :

Chicken Pox, Small Pox, Measles, Mumps, AIDS, Yellow Fever, Influenza, Dengue Fever, Rabies and Poliomeritis.


Diseases caused by fungus:


Fungus is a low form of vegetable life including many Microscopic organism capable of producing superficial disease. Athlete’s foot, Ringworm, Madura foot Dhobi itch are the diseases caused by the ‘ungus.

Diseases caused by Protozoa


Malaria, Sleeping sickness, kala-azar.

Diseases caused by Amoeba

Diarrhoea and dysentry.