Short essay my experience during a morning walk

It was the New Year’s Day. I was in bed as usual. My friend who lives in my neighborhood came to me and pressed me to accompany him to the river.

I could not refuse him. So I got ready. We were soon in the open. There were green fields waving before us. A star or two still twinkled in the sky.

It was still very cold. We walked on. The river was still a mile away. Nature seemed to be asleep. Lo! There was a reddish tint in the eastern horizon. Soon there was light. The sun peeped out from the east.


The life seemed to return to the sleeping world. A cool breeze began to blow. Birds came out of their warm nests and began to soar to and fro in the sky. They filled the atmosphere with their sweet notes. The farmers drove their cattle to the fields. Everything looked gay and happy.

On the way we passed by a garden. The dew drops on the grass shone like pearls. The buds in the flowers-beds seemed to receive the warmth of the sun and began to open up. We laughed and chattered till we reached the river.

The sun was now shining in all its glory. The rays of the sun fell on the surface of water and made it look like a sea of molten gold. The bank seemed to be deserted. There was a sadhu or two telling their beads. A few young men were massaging oil on their bodies before taking a dip in cold water.

In the mean time more and more people reached the river. They had come to bathe. A few ladies also came from the adjoining village to fill their pitchers with water.


We too had a dip and then came back home. The bath warmed us and we now felt quite fit and cheerful.

Morning walk is the most useful exercise, particularly for those who do not do any manual labor.

Would that I were an early-riser too!