Short essay for students on a visit to circus

The most popular Appolo Circus has been running its shows in the town for the last one month. It has been attracting very large crowds. People who had seen its shows were full of immense praise for the daring physical feats of men and women and the feats of the tamed animals. The lions, the elephants and the hipopotamus were the talk of the town. People were much impressed by the items of the circus displayed before them.

Last Sunday evening we made a programme to visit the circus. The show began at 7 p.m. We reached the circus, purchased our tickets and were in our seats by 6.40 p.m. The show began at seven. First of all some young gymnasts, both boys and girls, showed their physical feats. They twisted their bodies in many ways. One wondered whether their bodies were made of bones and flesh or rubber. The rhythmical and skilful movements of their bodies were greatly applauded by all. Intermittent feats by the jokers made the spectators burst into laughter.

Physical feats lasted for about 40 minutes. Then came seven cyclists. They presented good feats on cycles. The most valiant and dangerous feats then followed. Two motor cyclists ran their motor cycles simultaneously in a global enclosure. They called it the ‘Well of Death’ and it was really so. There were many other such daring and dangerous feats which kept the spectators spell­bound.


At the last moment, the monkeys rode on cycles. The bear drove a scooter. Then came the turn of the camels. Their leader saluted the spectators and played football. It really proved man’s supremacy over the animal world. The lion and the goat stood side by side. What an achievement of man! The show ended at ten. We came out of the circus, full of the same praise for it, as we had heard from the lips of others.