Reproduction Is brought about by the union of male and female cell known as spermatozoa and ova respectively discharged by the testis and ovaries of the two sexes. The, organs involved In the reproduction of offspring’s are called reproductive organs.

Male reproductive organs-

Testis, Epldymis, Seminal vesicle, Vas deference and Penis are the male reproductive organs,

Female reproductive organs


Vagina, Ovary, Falloplan tubeand Uterus are the female reproductive organs.


It is a plural of the word ovum which means eggs and discharged by the ovaries of the female sex organs.



It Is the male sex cells which are discharged by the tan of the are sex organs during copulation.


Fertilisation is a process of combining ova and sperm In the fallopian tube of the female sex organ. After fertllisation it develops In zygote and later on It Is developed as a full fledged child. After the completion of nine month period the female gives birth to a child, Human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes. 23rd pair is the sex chromosomes. Male has XY whereas female has YY chromosomes