Since the day is not far when the whales would be extinct if their indiscriminant killing goes on, I strongly recommend that whale ban capturing at once. I urge the Commission to open ‘whale zoos’ near the sea to breed and protect them. They must also be bred in specially made laboratories and after a certain stage of their growth; they must be left into the seas.

I recommend that top priority should be given to the conservation and breeding of the whales. Blue humpback and Right a few thousands number.

There is a great need of awakening the conscience of the people towards their habits of using cosmetics like skin creams and detergents, etc which claim the lives of these sea-animals. I recommend that special lessons be included in the syllabi at school and college level to make all aware of this menace. My recommendation is that the awareness could be created at Seminars, Conferences and Planning Fora both at national and international levels.

At present, the conservationists have no idea of how many whales are left in the world. I urge the Commission to constitute special whale teams to fan out in the high seas to identify and protect them. I propose to involve all the littoral countries to raise whale vigilance guards to watch and guard them against poachers. I urge that the network of wireless communications should be used to coordinate the activities at international level.


In view of these facts, I urge the Commission to give top priority to the action suggested. Delay of any kind can prove disastrous to the lives of the whales.