51. An institution is a

(a) Defined way of behaviour

(b) Cluster of traits

(c) Series of complexes centering upon an important activity


(d) Institutionalised relations

52. Who has propounded the theory of cultural lag?

(a) W.F. Ogburn

(b) NimKoff


(c) Bogardus

(d) Oscar Lewis

53. The acquisition of foreign culture by the subject people is called

(a) Assimilation


(b) Acculturation

(c) Colonisation

(d) Subjectisation

54. Cultural relativism means


(a) Function and meaning of a trait are relative to its cultural setting

(b) Culture is relatively rare

(c) Culture evolution is relative

(d) Cultural diffusion is relative


55. Which among the following is not true about assimilation?

(a) It brings about cultural diffusion

(b) It is a historical process

(c) Culture contact is there


(d) Cultural conflict is there

56. Interaction between members or groups with different culture is known as

(a) Touch of culture

(b) Cultural diffusion

(c) Culture contact

(d) Acculturation

57. In common sense the term ‘society’ is equivalent to

(a) Boundaries

(b) Organisation

(c) Group

(d) Imbalance

58. Who said this: “Status is the rank-order position assigned by a group to a role or to a set of roles”?

(a) Lundberg

(b) Maclver

(c) Kingsley Davis

(d) Ogburn

59. Who holds that: “A status is a position in a social group or grouping in relation to other positions held by other individuals in the group or grouping”?

(a) Arnold Green

(b) Martindale

(c) Lundberg

(d) K. Davis

60. Identify the incorrect statement.

(a) In simple society, we witness rapid role changes

(b) Roles in modern complex society are numerous and complex

(c) Roles keep changing from time to time

(d) Role is a pattern of expected behaviour.

61. Which among the following is untrue about status?

(a) There are two processes, ascription and achievement, by which the status of a person in society is formed.

(b) Every society makes use of both of these two principles.

(c) Every society makes exclusive use of either of these two principles.

(d) No society makes exclusive use of either of these two principles.

62. In which type of community people are united through feeling?

(a) Gesellschaft

(b) Gemeinschaft

(c) Great Community

(d) Little Community

63. Which among the following is not an example of community?

(a) College

(b) Village

(c) Neighbourhood

(d) All the above

64. Which among the following is untrue?

(a) Associations have fixed and written rules

(b) Associations and formal organisations are quite similar

(c) Associations are voluntarily formed

(d) Primitive and agrarian societies do have associations

65. Who maintained that role is the dynamic aspect of status?

(a) Max Weber

(b) Maclver

(c) Ralph Linton

(d) R.E. Park

66. The concept of role and status were first systematically developed by

(a) Malinowski

(b) Robert Redfield

(c) Ralph Linton

(d) Parsons

67. Roles and statuses are often most

(a) Conflicting

(b) Unconnected

(c) Complementary

(d) Contradictory

68. Who has defined group as “any number of people, larger or smaller between whom such relations are discovered, that they must be thought of together”?

(a) Albion small

(b) Sorokin

(c) Patrick Geddes

(d) Simmel

69. For Cooley the main primary group is

(a) Family

(b) School

(c) Work group

(d) Play group

70. Which of the following is true regarding behaviour?

(a) Behaviour is to a large extent cultural.

(b) Behaviour and culture are same.

(c) Behaviour is not determined by culture.

(d) Behaviour is dependent on some great man’s behaviour

71. Which among the following is not true?

(a) Adaptation and assimilation is the process that brings about cultural diffusion

(b) Adaptation and assimilation is a historical process

(c) Cultural contact has always been in operation.

(d) Adaptation and assimilation do not bring cultural diffusion.

72. Society is an abstract organisation which prevails

(a) Where ever there is existence of social relationship

(b) Where there is group

(c) Where there is social stratification

(d) Where there is law and order

73. “A person who is overly concerned with vocational security, excessively methodical, more concerned with rules than organisational goal and unimaginative in solving problems” is a/an

(a) Bureaucratic personality

(b) Idle personality

(c) Organisational personality

(d) Puritan personality

74. The concept of Bureaucratic personality is propounded by

(a) M. Weber

(b) Djilas

(c) R.K. Merton

(d) New Comb

75. Providing emotional support to the individual at the time of individual or societal crisis is known as

(a) Emotional function

(b) Buttress function

(c) Calm function

(d) Societal function

76. The concept of ‘corporate group’ is pro­pounded by

(a) Henry Maine

(b) Herbert Blumer

(c) Albion Small

(d) Herbert Spencer

77. A group of people who come together to pursue a mutual goal and who behave according to established norms is called

(a) Casual group

(b) Casual crowd

(c) Conventional crowd

(d) Organisational crowd

78. An aggregate of onlookers viewing a common event where the crowd has only a momentary existence and no internal organisation is called

(a) Casual crowd

(b) Quasi crowd

(c) On looking group

(d) Quasi group

79. The concept of ‘Conventional Crowd’ was propounded by

(a) Aristotle

(b) Thomas Hobbes

(c) H. Blumer

(d) G.C. Homans

80. The term ‘situs’ is used to denote

(a) Differentiation in society evaluated in terms of superiority or inferiority

(b) Differentiation in society evaluated in terms of rich and poor

(c) Differentiation in society evaluated in terms of educated and uneducated

(d) Differentiation in society evaluated in terms of healthy and sick

81. Society is organisation of individuals as well as organisation of activities. This statement is

(a) True

(b) Partially true

(c) False

(d) None of the above

82. Which of the following is not true?

(a) Society exhibits organisation

(b) Organisation is possible when there is any purpose

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

83. Which among the following statements regarding behaviour is correct?

(a) Behaviour is manifestation

(b) Behaviour is moulded by certain

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

84. The concept of ‘casual crowd’ is propounded by

(a) H. Blumer

(b) Malinowski

(c) M. Weber

(d) K. Davis

85. Which of the following statements is not true?

(a) Primary groups are relationship oriented.

(b) Secondary groups are goal oriented

(c) The warmth of the relationship in primary group cannot be found in secondary group

(d) The warmth of relation in primary group can be found in secondary group

86. The term “social role” is used to designate the sum total of the cultural pattern associated with a particular status. It is propounded by

(a) Malinowski

(b) R. Linton

(c) Merton

(d) Parsons

87. The first systematic use of the concept of social role was done by

(a) G.H. Mead

(b) R. Linton

(c) Merton

(d) Park

88. The concept of ‘Role Distance’ was propounded by

(a) R. Linton

(b) Shakespeare

(c) E. Goffman

(d) M. Mead

89. ‘Roles do not exist by themselves in isolation from one another; each role has its complimentary or associated role or roles.” This statement may well define the concept of

(a) Role-set

(b) Role congruence

(c) Multiple roles

(d) Statuses

90. The detachment of the performer from the role he/she is playing / performing’ may be categorised as

(a) Role detachment

(b) Aloofness

(c) Role-distance

(d) Distant role

91. The concept of role-set was propounded by which twentieth century’s American sociologist?

(a) E. Goffman

(b) R.E. Park

(c) R.K. Merton

(d) G.H. Mead

92. Lack of congruity between the expectations associated with social roles taken on consecutively by an individual is termed as

(a) Role detachment

(b) Role discontinuity

(c) Distant role

(d) Consequence

93. State of relative isolation of the occupants of role that results from the tendency of persons occupying a given role is called

(a) Role aloofness

(b) Role isolation

(c) Role insulation

(d) Isolation

94. The change from the occupational role to the retirement role is an example of situation involving a degree of

(a) Role -detachment

(b) Role discontinuity

(c) Preferential role

(d) Primary role

95. The precedence of one role over another is called

(a) Role primary

(b) Role order

(c) Preferential role

(d) Primary role

96. Behaviour of an individual in a particular role providing a pattern or model upon what another individual bases his behaviour in performing the same role is called

(a) Role model

(b) Role pattern

(c) Role actor

(d) Model

97. Which among the following is not true’ regarding, ‘reflexive role taking”?

(a) Taking the role of another by viewing” oneself from the point of view of the other.

(b) Reflexive role taking allows a person to become object in himself as other’s see him

(c) The concept of reflexive role taking is like precedence of one role over another”

(d) The concept of reflexive role taking is similar to the Cooley’s concept of the looking-glass self.

98. Reflexive role-taking is defined by

(a) C.H. Cooley

(b) G.H. Mead

(c) M. Mead

(d) R. Linton

99. Name the sociologist who had made distinction between achieved status and ascribed status.

(a) R.K. Merton

(b) K. Davis

(c) C.H. Cooley

(d) R. Linton

100. Who has given the concept of status-set?

(a) T. Parsons

(b) K. Davis

(c) R.K. Merton

(d) Parson



52. (a)

53. (b)

54. (a)

55. (d)

56. (c)

57. (a)

58. (c)

59. (a)

60. (c)


62. (a)

63. (d)

64. (d)

65. (c)

66. (c)

67. (c)

68. (a)

69. (a)



72. (a)

73. (a)

74. (c)


76. (a)

77. (c)

78. (a)

79. (c)

80. (a)


82. (d)

83. (d)


85. (d)

86. (b)

87. (a)

88. (c)

89. (a)

90. (c)


92. (b)

93. (c)

94. (b)

95. (a)

96. (a)

97. (c)

98. (b)

99. (d)

100. (c)